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8mmTurkish Purple JadeFacetedCubes with 2mm large holesexhibit vitreous on the opaque bodies. TheseJadebeads have alilacpurple hue showing a slight grey undertone. These faceted shapes are symmetrical with excellent 2mm drill holes. The polish is good creating a smooth bead on these fairly well matched for quality and color.

Turkish Purple Jade, also known as Turkiyenitehas been used as a gemstone is the 80s and is only found in the Bursa Region of Turkey. It has also been thought that the Turkish government consider it the be a National Heritage Stone. Traditional gemstone jades are usually pure jadeite or nephrite with trace minerals which provide the color, but Turkish Jade has been tested and shown to have between 40% to 60% jadeite with an unknown combination of minerals that supply the color. The base colors vary from greyish purple to a deep, rich purple with a mottled appearance.


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